A Couple of LA Aqueduct Films of Note

A couple of indie films of note. The first I’d like to mention is The Longest Straw. You gotta appreciate a few young people who recognized the importance of the Los Angeles Aqueduct that they decided to hike along the entire route to make a documentary of it.

Not sure if they make the hike into some of the more out of the way locations such as the construction camps at Water Canyon, Sun Canyon or Pine Tree where Mulholland’s men tunneled through parts of the Southern Sierras but 400 miles is 400 miles. That’s a pretty big challenge.

Secondly I would like to mention Slake: Water & Power in the Eastern Sierra. I spotted this film on the internet as I was researching the LA Aqueduct for my KML a few years ago was. I don’t know if they ever finished the film but the video is very moving.

LongestStraw slake

If you know of any more please email me or tweet me with your suggestions at @dcoffin.

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