My interests in water began in 2000 when I was a neighborhood council member in the City of Los Angeles for the community of Westchester. While on the board I saw plenty of very large development projects come before the board and often wondered how is it that the environmental impact reports and water supply assessments all say there is ‘sufficient water supply for the next twenty years’ for the projects while the city is operating under an emergency water conservation order? Well that took me to the city’s ‘Housing Element’ and later to the city’s ‘Urban Water Management Plan’ where I found out. This blog is my attempt to describe how the city can make that claim and the reasons why.
A little background, I’ve been a manufacturing engineer in the defense aerospace industry since the mid-70’s. I was also a member of the National Ski Patrol for about 15 years. I’m an outdoors person and I love big infrastructure projects such as the Los Angeles Aqueduct, the Colorado River Aqueduct and storage system (dams), Hetch Hetchy aqueduct, Mokelumne, the CVA and San Diego Aqueducts and the history behind each of them. Particularly those who planned, surveyed, poured concrete, welded pipe to make it all happen.
David Coffin