LA Aqueduct on Google Earth

lasimpleFor those of you interested in seeing the LA Aqueduct up close on Google Earth. Download the LA Aqueduct KML in the library on the right and open it in Google Earth.

This a pared down version of my more complete KML but it still has a lot of stuff to explore. Over the next few weeks I’ll upload my other KML’s including the Colorado River Aqueduct, SWP, Hetch Hetchy, Mokelumne, San Diego aqueducts, etc.

5 Comments on LA Aqueduct on Google Earth

  1. Hello David Coffin,

    I discovered your amazing web site DroughtMath while searching for maps of the route of the LA Aqueduct for a school project, which involves using Google Earth to map some of the world’s largest IBTs for educational and research purposes. FYI: I teach water resources management from a sustainable use perspective. We (myself and a couple of students) are about 99% done with the Central Arizona Project, and have done a lot of preliminary work on the Israeli National Water Carrier, the All-American Canal, and others.

    We were making good progress on the LA Aqueduct until we got to Fairmont Reservoir and the Elizabeth Tunnel where things get pretty confusing. Fortunately I was able to get in touch with Fred Barker, formerly of LADWP, who has been a great help. But there were still some aspects of the route that he was unfamiliar with and is currently checking with some of his old colleagues at LADWP for clarification. In the meantime I discovered your website and was shocked to not only discover your KML maps, but to see the level of detail you were able to document. (FYI: Fred just sent me some notes and they correspond almost perfectly with your map).

    If you are willing, I would very much like to talk to you sometime about your work and the sources of your information. Any assistance you can provide will be much appreciated!


    Philip L. Chaney, PhD, PS
    2046D Haley
    Department of Geosciences
    Auburn University, AL 36849

  2. Thank you so much for your work!
    I’m a photographer who currently work on a project about the LA aqueduct. The route of the second aqueduct in Santa Clarita confused me a long time. It’s really very limited on resources I can find on Internet about the second aqueduct.

    1. I’m extremely glad to hear about your project. I hope you can share a link to your project when you complete it. I would enjoy seeing how you capture the aqueduct in pictures.

  3. Greetings; I’m a native of SoCal, and have always had an interest in our aqueducts. I spent a great deal of time mapping out the route of both LAA1 and LAA2 using topos and google earth. It was so much fun I also mapped out the CRA. Lots of hours, lots of checking, and double checking. Now I’ve come to find that there has been KML files here the whole time! My tracks matched your except for LAA1 and 2 between Newhall and the cascades. that area gets a bit confusing. I’m glad I was able to clear it up with your file, Thanks!

    1. The way you mapped it was a lot like the way I approached it. Topo maps were very important especially the maps published in the 30’s through the 70’s. I also visited some sites as well. Another huge source were finding copys of the original hard bound aqueduct reports. The city published two of them, one for the original LAA and the other for the Second Los Angeles Aqueduct. The Newhall area was a challenge like you mention. That’s because LAA2 merges into the first aqueduct and doesn’t split up again until it reaches Power Plant 2. They were able to do that because the Elizabeth Tunnel has enough capacity for both.

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